9 Common Myths About Substance Addiction All You Need to Know


what are myths about addiction

In some cases, these symptoms are so severe, they will make you want to go back to drugs or alcohol just to find some relief. Today, thanks to science, our views and our responses to addiction and the broader spectrum of substance use disorders have changed dramatically. Groundbreaking discoveries about the brain have revolutionized our understanding of compulsive drug use, enabling us to respond effectively to the problem. Attempting to quit cold turkey without proper medical supervision can lead to serious health complications, particularly for those with severe addiction or those addicted to substances like alcohol or benzodiazepines.

what are myths about addiction

Common myths about addiction

Beware this myth, as it could prevent you from spotting that someone (maybe even yourself) is in trouble. Instead of accepting the myths, it’s important to do your research and base your beliefs on facts rather than opinions. That being said, the consequences of addiction (or costs of using) are oftentimes what tip the motivational balance, leading to increased motivation. Some people believe that vaping is not addictive, but the reality is that vaping involves consuming nicotine, which is addictive and results in cravings, according to research from Johns Hopkins and other leaders. But other harm-reduction providers described clashes with police and paramedics over how to help people.

  • Recognizing the entirety of a person’s existence can foster a more empathetic approach to those struggling with addiction.
  • Nora Volkow, head of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, and other experts have argued that free will is lost with addiction because the addict needs drugs like others need food and water.

Brad’s Recovery Story

There are plenty of people who https://ecosoberhouse.com/ use drugs on occasion and never become addicted. It’s important to avoid labeling people in your life as addicts simply because they drink alcohol or use a drug like cannabis on occasion. Misconceptions about addiction are prevalent in today’s society and contribute to stigma. They might be used to calm cravings while your body goes through detox, or help a person with recovery maintenance.

Myth 2: Only certain types of people become addicted

  • Every year millions of individuals are struggling with some type of drug abuse or dependency.
  • The cost of rehab with insurance can be much more affordable than paying on your own.
  • This is no truer than saying drinking alcohol, shopping, playing video games or using mobile phones, sex, or love are signs of despair.
  • In other words, doctors were doing wonderfully, although opioid and other drug deaths continued to surge.

It’s a brain disease that fundamentally alters the way our noggins function. When drugs enter the picture, they flood the brain with dopamine, the feel-good neurotransmitter. Over time, this chemical hijacking rewires the brain’s reward system, making it increasingly difficult for individuals to resist the siren call of substances.

Science Daily: Mind & Brain

But, it’s imperative that you don’t give up and assume there is nothing you can do. It’s true that, in most cases, addicts did, at one point, make a choice to use a specific substance. But, this myth ignores the fact that some people are more prone to addiction than others. Some people believe that addicts possess the ability to give up their substance abuse whenever they want.

  • You will also encounter medical staff and counselors who are experienced in guiding patients through treatment and are committed to encouraging you through every step of the process.
  • Misconceptions about addiction are prevalent in today’s society and contribute to stigma.
  • Whether through organized group therapy or informal get-togethers, joining others who are also recovering from addiction can help you combat isolation.
  • The belief that an individual can overcome addiction through sheer willpower alone is both simplistic and misguided.
  • It simply means you are experiencing what is typical of someone along the journey of addiction recovery.

With both vulnerable populations, black and white, dismal failure is the constant companion of our “best” efforts in the addiction field. There are plenty of resources out there to help you or your loved one overcome addiction and get started on the road to recovery. For many people, spending a period surrounded by myths about addiction and recovery those who are also struggling and having access to trained professionals is crucial for taking steps to beat addiction.

what are myths about addiction
what are myths about addiction

Or they may experience withdrawal symptoms when they stop taking the medication. I am board certified in psychiatry, addiction psychiatry, and addiction medicine. Brain imaging studies show that differences in the brain are both a cause and effect of addiction.


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